Monday, May 17, 2010

News - August 21, 1964

By Mrs. C.M. Fortune

Picnic Enjoyed

The Jefferson CCL held a picnic for members and their families on the American legion grounds Tuesday. Games and swimming were enjoyed. Those present with their children were Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Cox, Mr.and Mrs. Wayne Cox, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilcox, Mr. and Mrs. Don Bonifield, Mrs. Don Shrover, Mrs. Russell Stoops, Mr. and Mrs. Robert McBride and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mitchell.

Library Drive

The annual fund drive of the Dresden branch library will be held the week of Aug 24. Mrs. Clarence Fortune, chairman for the drive announced the following solicitors- Mary Mount, Barbara Seenes, Ellen Dobson, Martha Beal, Hannah and Helen Helbling, Mina Bonifield, Yvonne Wolfe, Laura Kain, Patty Prince, Hazel Zay, Melba Stratman, Betty Slate, Wally Parks, Trinway, Mrs. Fortune and Doris Harper, co-chairmen.

Bicycle Club Officers

Don Guilliams, chairwan of the recently organized Bicycle club, announces the following officers: Suzanne Garrett, president; Becky Starner, vice-president; Debbie Kain, secretary; Safety committee, Denny Wilcox, Dee Mays and Donald Mount.

Licenses will be sold Saturday from 9 a.m. to 12 noon at the mayor's office.

Registration must show the make, color and serial number of bicycle. A fee of 25 cents is charged for the license.

All bicycle owners residing in the village of Dresden must have a license on or before Oct 1, 1964.

The first official meeting of the club will be Sept. 19.


Rev. and Mrs. Kelly Oswald and son, Lonnie, left Tuesday morning on a two week camping trip in Michigan and Canada. The pulpit of the First Baptist church will be filled during Rev. Oswald's absence by Alivn Green, Lewis Center, Ohio, on Aug. 23, and by John Barnes of Cambridge on Aug 30, for both morning and evening services.

Pam and Greg Rodgers, children of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Rodgers, returned home Sunday by TWA jet plane from Phoenix, Ariz., after spending the summer with Mr. and Mrs. James Norris and family. They also visited Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Schwartz and family and spent a weekend at the Grand Canyon. They were accompanied home by Mrs. Dale Cullins of Mesa, Ariz., who is spending a week with her parents in Philo.

Mrs. Doris Harper spent the weekend as a guest of Rev. and Mrs. Russell Harper and family of Barlow. She also visited with an aunt, Mrs. A.L. Harper, Waverly, W. Va.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Schumacher and family of Tennessee, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Carmichael of Columbus were Tuesday guests of Mrs. Ralph Schumacher.

Employed in Alabama

Gerald K. Matthews, formerly of Dresden, has gone to Huntsville, Ala., where he has accepted a position as senior aerospace engineer, assigned to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's rocket propulsion labratory.

Dr. Werhner Von Braun is technical director.

Mr. Matthews will be engaged in rocket engine research on the Saturn "Moon" rocket. He was formerly employed for three and a half years by RCA in Cambridge, as a project chief electronics engineer in the test design section.

The son of Dr. and Mrs. D.K. Matthews, Dresden, he is a graduate of the Jefferson high school and Ohio State university. He and his wife, Sonja, will establish their new home in Huntsville.

Hosptial Note

Tim Norris of Phoenix, Ariz., is improving at his home after undergoing surgery last week.

(The Coshocton Tribune - August 21, 1964)