Saturday, March 6, 2010

News from Nov. 21, 1923

Dresden, O., Nov. 21- James G. May was arrested by Marshall George Richcreek Tuesday on a charge of intoxication and operating an automobile while under the influence of liquor. He was ordered to appear before Squire Davis. Attorney Graham, who represents May, asked for a few days continuance.

The Women's Bible class of the Baptist church will have an all-day sewing Thursday at the home of Mrs. Howard Little.

Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Gilmore of Columbus are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Levi Butler. Mrs. Gilmore is taking Abram treatments at Coshocton.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Casner and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fortune and son Donald motored to Zanesville Saturday.

Mrs. Inez Escover and two children of Zanesville are visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Fitch.

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lutz and children spent Sunday the guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Lutz of Is---a.

The Baptist Sewing Circle will be entertained at the home of Mrs. Al Porter on Main street Friday evening. All ladies of the church are invited. Come and bring your friends.

The Pythian Sisters will hold a market in the bank building Saturday.

Miss Jennie Mossman and Mrs. John Cox shopped in Zanesville last Saturday.

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