Thursday, December 31, 2009

Lightning Strikes Straw Ricks Dresden Paper Mill - 1923

Spectacular Blaze Threatens Large Section of City - Aid sent From Here

Dresden, O., June 6 - Fire which threatened to entirely destroy the Dresden paper mill on South Main Street, broke out about 9:30 o'clock Wednesday night when lightning struck the straw ricks near the main building of the plant during a severe electrical storm.

The straw, being very inflamable, was quickly a mass of fire. The flames spread rapidly and for a time it was feared the entire paper mill as well as several residences across the street might be destroyed. Two hose carts of the Dresden fire department were called into service and about half the residents of the city turned out to fight the flames.

An emergency call was sent to Zanesville for aid. the Abington avenue truck and crew together with Fire Chief Hal Tanner left this city about 10:30 for Dresden to aid in the efforts to extinguish the fire. Information at a late hour was to the effect that the flames were fairly well under control.

It was estimated that the damage would amount to several thousand dollars as many tons of straw were consumed by the fire. It is understood that loss is partly covered by insurance.

The residence of Thomas Stanley, near the paper mill, was also struck by lightning during the storm. It was ignited but the flames were extinguished without much damage after a part of the floor had been torn up. So far as could be learned, no other buildings had been struck by lightning, although the storm damage will amout to considerable.

The Times Recorder (Zanesville, OH) - June, 7, 1923

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